New idea for special “Tea lights Repackaging ” project for the concept

The past time we did think about new idea’s for the concept/formula. And we found one! The idea is about repackaging various scented tea lights in a nice packaging. And we found some nice scented tea lights. Also we found a nice packaging for the tea lights. The nice packaging has space for five scented tea lights. The pictures below can give you some more information about the idea! Have some good cause-fun, tea lights-fun and general candles-fun on this website!

A nice shot from some several scented tea lights. The scented tea lights will be repacked in a nice packaging with some nice ribbon assembled on the nice packaging.
This nice scented tea lights has the fragrance “fresh cut roses”. The nice tea lights have a burning time from around four hours.
Also a nice shot from some scented tea lights. The tea lights have the fragrance “vanilla”. The burning time for the tea lights is around four hours.
Also a nice shot from some scented tea lights. The fragrance of the scented tea lights is “red berries”. The tea lights have a burning time from around four hours.
Also a nice shot from the scented tea lights that have the fragrance “spicy nutmeg”.
Some nice “” stickers/labels for on the nice packaging.
A nice shot from some nice ribbon that will be assembled on the nice packaging.
A nice shot from some nice empty packaging material that will be used to repack the nice scented tea lights / candles.
A nice “close-up” from four different scented tea lights out of the packaging.
A nice shot from the five scented tea lights in the nice packaging.
A nice shot from the embellished packaging with the use of some ribbon.
A nice shot from the “back” of the nice packaging.
A nice shot from the “sticker/label” of the “” concept/formula.

(Pictures: February, 2025, The Netherlands)

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